Monday, February 9, 2009

Just to clarify...

I am having a wonderful time in Russia.  I do like the country, and the food, and life so far is good.  I realised today that all my posts have been about fairly negative occurrences, and I don't want anyone to think that I'm hating it, or that studying abroad in Russia is a mistake.  It's just that all the interesting stories involve something going wrong/a cultural faux pas.

It's like the news -they never start the evening news with "Today was another wonderful day in America.  Everything went perfectly and according to plan, and world peace was established.."  No, that would be boring.  So although most of my posts may seem a little scary or as though I'm overwhelmed, never fear. I'm having a great time, and I don't mean to complain.  There are some kids in my class who complain everyday about the people, the culture, and it really gets on my nerves.  They just keep bitching about how horrible everyone is, and it makes me want to strangle them and somehow get them kicked out of the country.  I may have a few grievances against the way things are run (or the fact that people don't smile much), but I understand and appreciate the culture and nature of it all.  I'm just venting if I've had a bad day, not because I truly hate my circumstances.  Russia is a wild, crazy, beautiful and cold, ancient and cultured country.  I'll try to post happier stories in the future. :)


KMc said...

Happier stories? Where's the fun in that? We already envy you just for being there - we would hate to think that it was all effortless besides :)

Be brave - BE the clueless foreigner ... :)

PS: I only use this email to post on your blog; I only check my regular Stetson address ;)

Michael said...

it's our failures and travails that make us interesting. uninteresting people have never been chased by wolves across a snowy russian landscape. q.e.d.